Four Valuable Food Storage Insights Gained from International Living | thehumblepennys

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Four Valuable Food Storage Insights Gained from International Living

The notion that stocking up on food for long-term purposes is futile, especially when one doesn’t intend to settle permanently in one location, frequently emerges in discussions. Transporting it with every move can indeed be cumbersome. And if you’re always giving it away, the likelihood of needing it decreases. However, my personal experience with storing food while living abroad offers a different perspective.

I understand the rationale behind these points. But, I firmly believe that everyone should maintain a food stockpile, regardless of their situation. Assuming “I won’t need it” isn’t a prudent approach, given the unpredictability of life and the value of having stored food.

My Overseas Food Storage Journey

I was born into a family that moved to Saudi Arabia in 1984. By the time we departed, right before Desert Storm in 1990, our family had grown by a brother and sister. Over six years, which isn’t significant in terms of food storage, we shifted homes multiple times within Dhahran.

The Challenge of Scarce Local Produce

Relocating, including our food reserves, frequently within a short span might have been inconvenient. Saudi Arabia’s agricultural sector was limited then, necessitating imports, notably from Holland.

Given the recent culmination of the Iran-Iraq war, my parents prudently decided to keep surplus food, which we did utilize.

Anticipating Needs During Pregnancy

The predominant milk in Saudi during our residence came from Europe in boxes. Its unique processing for long-term room temperature storage gave it a peculiar taste. My aversion to this milk remains, and I can only tolerate milk flavored with chocolate or strawberries. Yet, that was all that was available.

In 1986, as my mother awaited my brother’s arrival, and our impending U.S trip, she foresaw the inconvenience of shopping post a long journey. Prior to our departure, she bought an abundant amount of this milk, three cases to be exact.

Then, Chernobyl Struck…

While we were away, the Chernobyl catastrophe occurred, contaminating much of Europe’s food supply, including our milk in Saudi. Our neighbors grappled with the absence of milk, particularly those with young kids. My mother’s foresight ensured we had milk until regular supplies resumed.

Later, Saudi took initiatives to establish its dairy sector, introducing advanced, air-conditioned barns for cows to withstand the desert’s severe heat.

Flour and Soldiers

White sugar has an impressive shelf life, but white flour can go bad. Yet, at times, having an excess can be beneficial.

In 1990, my family was in the U.S, while my father remained in Dhahran. Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait that August disrupted our plans and the Middle East’s food supply.

During this crisis, U.S soldiers lodged in homes of American expatriates in Saudi. While everyone desired to offer homemade cookies, ingredients were scarce. Our home, however, had an ample supply, which neighbors used to prepare treats for the troops.

Insights from Overseas Food Storage

My time abroad enriched me with profound insights about food stockpiling:

  1. Unpredictable Crises: Often, the motive behind storing might be convenience rather than a predicted crisis, like my mother’s milk stockpile which turned out to be a lifesaver.
  2. Unforeseen Uses: My parents’ stash of flour and sugar ended up serving a wider community than they imagined.
  3. Ready to Share: While it’s wise to be discreet about your reserves, certain situations might call for generosity.
  4. Invaluable Food Reserves: Regardless of the quantity, possessing even a small backup of essential items like sugar, flour, salt, and rice can be a godsend during unforeseen events.

Living abroad has instilled in me the significance of food preparedness.

Have your family’s food reserves ever come to the rescue in unexpected situations?


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